ABS Safety hinnankorotus tiedote
Hyvät yhteistyökumppanit!
Saimme ABS Safety Gmbh hinnankorotustiedotteen. Johtuen maailmantilanteen aiheuttamasta raaka-aineiden, energian jne kallistumisesta joudutaan tuotteiden hintoja korottamaan. Korotus on 12%. Korotus astuu voimaan 1.7.2022. Täten RFP-Yhtiöt Oy joutuu nostamaan hintoja 1.7.2022 alkaen tuon 12% verran.
T. RFP-Yhtiöt Oy
“Dear Business Partner,
Many are still struggling with the aftermath and effects of the pandemic – and now the next catastrophe is hitting us and casting its shadow across the world. Above all, this war of aggression in the Ukraine is a humanitarian disaster – and we would like to express our solidarity with all the victims of this brutal war.
Unfortunately, it has not taken long to feel the economic effects of this war which have further contributed to worsening the already tense situation on the commodity markets. As a result, many trades are now only able to offer prices at today’s going rate. Some of them are not even accepting orders anymore – or are no longer capable of supplying materials.
Against this backdrop, we realise that we have been really lucky so far in being able to successfully avoid problems in the supply of materials – be it raw materials, goods bought from third parties or even simple wooden pallets and cardboard boxes.
Unfortunately, however, we have not been spared the effects of the continuing rise in raw material prices and have had to accept prices in some individual product groups that have multiplied several times over. As in the case of our previous adjustments, we are doing our best to keep our upcoming price adjustment as moderate as possible.
Accordingly, we will be increasing our prices by 12% as of 01.07.22.
There are many reasons why we would really have preferred not to have had to write this letter, but we, too, are now forced to bow to the external conditions, if we want to remain a partner you can rely on.”